martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008

Quince Lecciones

Esto lo saqué de esta página, así que le doy crédito a la persona que lo escribió. Voy a meter una lección cada tanto, o por lo menos eso espero. Recomendado para "socially akward people".

A young man sat and pondered the next phase of his life. “It is time,” he said, “for a girlfriend.” Yet, this new course in his life seemed both exciting and frightening. “But success will not come without much failure,” he realized. “If only there was a way to avoid the painful trials ahead.”

And then, like magic, appeared a Pook!

As like anyone shocked by the sudden appearance of a Pook, he was speechless. But this happened to be a talkative Pook who said, “I will guide you. The constant heartbreak, the loneliness, the feeling of having no control- these can be avoided. Follow me and I will show you many of the lessons that must be learned.”

“Oh Pook!” the young man cried out. “Would it not be better to throw myself into initial error? Is not error the best way to success?”

“No; your heart does not need to be shattered to realize its lessons. Do successful marriages come from a series of failed ones? Of course not. For…

“Foresight teaches gently; error teaches brutally”

With that, the young man asked, “And what is the first lesson?”

The Pook replied, “Follow and see.”
Thus, the young man followed Pook to a nearby college campus. Pook then said, “Behold, the first example.”

Lesson One

A young man, overflowing with desire, saw a woman he thought was extremely cute. She was simply walking around and was involved with her own things.

“I should speak to her,” he told himself. “I must meet her!”

But his body would not obey. He stood there, watching her in the corner of his eye, and felt as if he was burning. She eventually left and he cursed himself even more.

Then appeared another woman who was even cuter!

“I should say hi,” he told himself. Yet, he stood like a statue and his body felt as if he was burning. “She is out of my league. She would never go for someone like me!” He never approached and the woman left.
Yet, another woman appeared more beautiful than the first two!

Somehow, he got himself to approach. “Hi!” he sputtered nervously. She was pleasant. He eventually asked for the number to which she said no. Even though he failed, he felt much better that he tried.

“Alas,” he said now realizing the error of his ways.

“Rejection is better than Regret”

“Remember,” said Pook. “Change is gradual. Before, you saw no opportunities. Now, you see them all about you, yet you are too hesitant to take them. You’re slowly becoming more aware.”

“What are you saying?”

“When you find yourself hesitant, always yield to Action. If you see her, do not wait, gawk or wait for a ‘perfect moment’. Action, action, action!”

“Pook, I cannot. You see… I am insecure. I don’t have that confidence!”

“You are confusing CAUSE and EFFECT. The CAUSE of your hesitant nature is not because of your insecurity. You have not gotten what you’ve wanted, what you’ve desired. THAT is the cause of your hesitant nature.”


“You are caught in the vicious cycle. You are hesitant because you are not used for things going your way. And things will never go your way because you remain hesitant. You see what you want, become hesitant, and the door of opportunity closes. It happens again. And again. And again. With each choice towards Inaction, you reject yourself a little bit more.”

Pook continued. “This is where that cycle of hesitation leads. In your world of Hesitation, you shred off more and more of your manliness until you turn into a full-fledged Nice Guy. Then you seek to remove hesitation by making the approach risk free. Then you start giving gifts, poetry, flowers, and declarations of love. You start to examine and re-examine non-existent signals until they read the way you want them to read. In the end, you place her on the pedestal and throw yourself to her worship.

“If there is a choice between less pain or the possibility of more pain, we default to the less pain. In adolescence, going for a girl and failing made you think everyone else would laugh at you. Whether or not it was true, you thought it was true. This was how you were kept within the cycle.”

“But Pook! How do I get out?”

“By realizing that the choice of Inaction is more painful than Action. Childhood is over. You are the MAN. You must approach. Always default to Action now. From those of us who wasted years in that hesitation mode know that Rejection is always better than Regret. Always.”

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Obama-kun y Hillary-chan

Esto lo quise poner ayer, pero youtube lo levantó. Aprovechen y veanlo rápido. A ver si aparece algún tomodachi y lo traduce

miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008

Women, hate 'em

Si llegara a conocer a CUALQUIER persona que haga eso con mis FIGURAS DE ACCION (no son juguetes, no son muñecos, son FIGURAS DE FUCKING ACCION) la ajusticiaria con gran venganza y odio furioso. Estuve a punto de asesinar a mi hermano porque a su amiguito n o se le ocurrió mejor idea que mandar a volar a mi Anakin Skywalker de Episodio I. Hate him, with passion.

Lo que me causó gracia es como tardan varias horas en encontrar las herramientas (cuando salen al principio es de dia, después ya es de noche). Se nota que no deben mover un dedo. Y la muy perra dice "¿Cuánto saldrá?$100?". Bitch. Bitch. Toda esa magnánima colleción debe valer más que tu miserable vida.

Espero que el "prometido" le haya metido el juicio de su vida por daños materiales. Se lo merece, y mucho más. El Templo de la Orden Jedi seguro la hubiese sacrificado a un Sarlacc o a un Rancor (

En fin, moraleja, make sure your woman stays in the kitchen


martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Chaos Wars (for the lulz)

Cuando pensabamos que no había peor doblaje que el de Bible Black... A CHALLENGER APPEARS!

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Tiempo de Calidad

"Puesto que es nuestro tiempo lo que estamos gastando, somos nosotros quienes debemos dominarlo, y no dejar que él nos domine. Y nadie podrá dominar su propio tiempo mientras no esté primero dispuesto a dominarse a sí mismo."
Tiempo de Calidad,

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

Dos de siete

"Ahora no sirve para nada decir te lo advertí, pero... te lo advertí. Ahí es donde te lleva el romance: a tener un lazo en el cuello y una loca con dos revólveres en alguna parte detrás de ti."
Roland Deschain of Gilead, "La llegada de los tres" de Stephen King, pág. 449, Ed. Plaza Janés

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

Antorcha Olimpica

Atestiguo en este documento que fui testigo del recorrido de la Antorcha de las Olimpíadas de Beijing 2008, desde 9 de Julio y Córdoba hasta 9 de Julio y Paraguay.

Chinks everywhere kthxbye

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Flasheando con Wiki

Voy a clickear consecutivamente el link de "Random article" en Wikipedia ( y a ver que me sale. Si hay algo interesante, tiro dato entre parentesis.

- Abortion in Iceland (legal desde 1975 en "situaciones especiales")
- Nani Pelekai (de Lilo & Stitch D:)
- Lov Grover (Grover database search algorithm =O)
- Maryland Deathfest (fuck yeah death metal)
- 1939 Home Nations Championship
- Olga Souza
- Minolta Vectis- Dong Cheng (quiso matar a Cao Cao D:)
- John Williams (Pitt County) (no el compositor, politico de Carolina del Norte ¬¬)
- Economy of Thailand (Economic Aid: None)
- Soldier of The Salvation Army ("holy passion" to win the world for Jesus D:)
- Egoism (lol)
- The Stranger (film) (de Orson Welles)
- Des Peres (band) ("australian indie/dance band")
- John Mackay (Australian Pioneer)
- Jun Lu (árbitro chino)
- Stockholms Banco (primer banco europeo en imprimir billetes =O)

Hasta ahi llega mi aburrimiento A_A

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Tripping Balls

This picture is so much WIN that I almost laugh at a customer because of this

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

La Supertecnología del Laburo

A ver, tenemos puertas que se abren únicamente con tarjetas magnéticas, bien. Igualmente, como que ya casi se impuso como "must" en todas las oficinas.
Ascensores que hablan, aunque llega el punto que querés ahorcar al enano locutor que está adentro de las paredes del ascensor. Obvio, sin tener en cuenta los momentos en que dicho enano pierde el sentido de la orientación y te empieza a tirar el número de pisos totalmente random, mezclando las palabras "subiendo" y "bajando". Aunque estés quietito en planta baja.
Y lo más groso: el firewall. Es tan groso que hasta tiene su propia BSoD. Onda, te metés donde no tenes que meterte (lalalalala), y te sale una BSoD super buchona que dice:

Access Forbidden.
Access to URL:
been blocked.
Site is listed in the forbidden category :
(o Uncategorized si no tiene ni puta idea de donde te
Access has been restricted to this site. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please contact the support center
at ....

Tiene dos cosas re copadas. Primero, las categorías. El firewall bloquea webs categorizadas bajo "Education", o por ahi me categoriza el como "Dating services" (wtf). La segunda, y más importante, es altamente INEFECTIVO. Con tan solo poner en la dirección algo como "", por alguna razón que realmente me supera, el firewall se desactiva, muere. Y esto no lo sé yo solo, LO SABE TODO EL FREAKING PISO. Tenemos un firewall que todo el mundo sabe que no funciona. Digo yo, ¿por qué no lo desactivan?

1, 2, 3, probandASDLFSDKJF

Hacer esto se me ocurrió hace unas horas. Dije "hay momentos en el laburo que estoy al pedo, y se me ocurren pelotudeces que después desaparecen en las infinidades de mi subconciente". Entonces se me ocurrió, en vez de aburrirme en internet, por qué no escribo lo que se me ocurre en un blog?

Y bue, acá estoy. Aprovechando que tengo luz verde en el monitor me puse a laburar en esto. Cuando llegue a casa le doy formato y bla. Por lo pronto esto es un experimento. Si sale, sale. Y si no, corran por sus vidas (?)

PD: El título del blog es una fusión de Braian + Brainstorm